Monday, November 12, 2007

I climbed a volcano

and it was the most hardest and horrible and painful and coldest and longest and disappointing and ridiculous and awful thing ive ever done in my life.

When we got to the top, after SIX hours, it was cloudy and we couldnt see ANYTHING except pure yellowness because the sulphur gas was so thick that we couldnt breathe,and it was super windy, and then we had to walk all the way down instead of sliding because the visibility was so bad.

Here's what the top of a volcano looks like:

Ok, well thats my paintshop rendition... haha.

Really, I do have some cool pictures from farther down. But I'm exhausted so the complete story and more pictures will come later.



Diane said...

Sorry 'bout your luck :( Still looking forward to pix, tho! Must've been disappointing.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I guess my weekend wasn't so bad after all. I guess you should think positive. You must have made it back down and the horribly ridiculous thing didn't blow you on up to heaven. I guess I will look forward to the pix also. Enjoy getting rested back up.
Uncle Jon